Unfortunately, not all phone calls from people claiming to be associated with Google are legitimate.

You may receive a phone call from Google to verify your business or confirm business details for Google Maps, or a call from a Google account manager whom you’ve spoken with before.

Learn more about reporting and protecting yourself from robocalls

Google does not:

  • charge for inclusion in Google My Business or in Google Search.
  • offer to improve your search ranking or manage your business’s online profile.
  • ask you for your password or verification code. You should never provide sensitive information about your account (like your password and verification code) to a caller.
  • ask you to add a new user to your account.

If you receive a robocall (a call placed with a recorded voice) for any of the above reasons, it is not from Google. The Federal Trade Commission has established a Robocalls resources website with additional information about robocalls and steps you can take if you receive one.

You can report the call directly to Google here.

Learn more about avoiding scams