The short version for why Skunkworks recommends all our clients have a Cloudflare account is:

  1. Better DNS management - Cloudflare will make DNS easy, efficient, and secure.
    • Microsoft/Google backed Cloudflare won Network World's "Best Managed DNS Provider"
    • Consolidate all of a client's domain name properties within a single client-owned account that can be jointly administered by authorized stakeholders.
    • Upgraded Security
      • Access control for the account can be administered by Firm's I.T. providers
      • Enforce per/user 2FA Authentication
      • Free, auto-renewing SSL from Comodo for all domains in the account
    • Zero propagation DNS changes. Seriously. Edit a DNS record and it's live, world-wide, in seconds.

  2. Better SEO - Cloudflare will dramatically help a firm's site rank better.
    • Upgraded Performance
      • Content delivery network for web page assets ensures visitors are served cached assets from the server closest to them.
      • Auto minification of code results in smaller/faster downloads for visitors
    • Free, auto-renewing SSL from Comodo for all domains. HTTPS SSL/TLS is a must now for a firm trying to outrank their competitors in search. In 2018 SSL is no longer optional.

  3. Better Security - Cloudflare goes a long way towards defending a firm against cyber attacks targeting SMBs.
    • SSL
    • DDOS protection
    • Firewall controls that include Geolocation features.
    • Access controls
      • Oauth/GSuite compatible. (Login with GSuite to access this content or folder or subdomain.)
    • More

  4. Better for Developers - Cloudflare alleviates many problems for web developers.
    • Websites undisputedly perform better and are more secure than when using Cloudflare's Nameservers than when utilizing DNSMadeEasy, DynDNS, Amazon Route 53, or Google Cloud DNS
    • Developers can easily utilize subdomains for Staging and Production environments and make websites go live within seconds.
    • Load balancing available
    • Developers can direct web traffic to an alternate server in an emergency.

  5. Costs $0.00 - Cloudflare is a "Freemium" service.
    • Paid plans starting at $5/month available as client's needs grow.

That overview sound good? Ready for much more in-depth details? See our About Cloudflare article to learn more about the product itself.

Or see "An introduction to Cloudflare for IT providers" for more technical details.