Hover is Skunkworks' provider of choice for domain registrars for several reasons.
- Easy to use - In comparison to other registrars their interface is easy to use for even non-technical people.
- Ownership - The client can own their own registrar account rather than be at the mercy of a service provider who may have registered the domain name on the client’s behalf within their own account. This is important as it can often prevent other providers like your I.T. department or a future web developer from having the access they need. It has the added side-benefit of dodging any markups to the cost that most resellers add.
- Decoupled - It’s separate from and independent from your website hosting provider. This is also very important factor. So much so that we’ve previously written an entire article on Why You Should Keep Your Domain Name Separate From Your Web Host
- Quiet - In comparison to other registrars Hover’s marketing to their existing customers is far less obtrusive, pushy, and frequent. You can dodge the heavy handed up-selling that other registrars do with a provider like Hover.
- Convenient - Easier to retrieve previous invoices from the registrar for the book keepers if needed and easy to auto redirect receipt emails straight to the book keepers.
Skunkworks recommends that for either new domain registrations or to transfer existing domain registration that the client have an account created in their name by Skunkworks utilizing an existing firm-owned email address as the account holder.
Then, as the key-master, the client can selectively grant or revoke access to their Hover account to service providers of choice.
Hover's website is located at: https://www.hover.com/
Their login screen is located at: https://www.hover.com/signin
Their password reset screen is located at: https://www.hover.com/signin/forgot_password