Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) are generated for you by Google. They target relevant customers with ads generated directly from your web site – dynamically.
Every day 15% of searches are new searches that Google has never seen before.Dynamic Search Ads complement your existing keyword based campaigns to deliver more clicks and conversions with less effort.
Dynamic Search Ads keep your AdWords campaigns in sync with what you’re offering and what users are searching for right now.
Why use them
- It’s effective - during testing, most advertisers saw 5-10%* more clicks and conversions with satisfactory ROI
- It won’t compete with existing active keywords
- It will not affect your campaigns’ quality score
- DSA will work with all extensions: Sitelinks, Location Extensions, Product Extensions, Social Extensions and Phone Extensions.
How they work
With Dynamic Search Ads, Google keeps track of your inventory using its organic web crawling technology. When a relevant Google Search occurs, Google creates an ad with a headline based on the search term used by your customer and text based on your most relevant landing page.
The ad enters the auction and competes normally – but is held back for any search where you already have an eligible keyword-targeted ad.
- Save time - Google AdWords will scan the content of your website and determine which searches might be relevant to the products on your website for you
- Shows relevant ads - When a customers’ search is relevant to your product or service, Google AdWords will dynamically generate an ad for you
- Control your campaign - You can show ads based on your entire website, or specific categories or pages. You can prevent your ads from showing offerings that are temporarily unavailable.